Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Gigolos - The Gigolos At Work

You ever have one of those days. I've been mailing records at the post office for about 5 years now. The cleaning lady was always there in the mornings when I would go down. After awhile, she pulled me aside and said she had a box full of albums and would I mind trying to sell them for her. She's the mother of a classmate of mine, so I humored her and said I'd take a look. Been trying to avoid the post office in the mornings since then. Screwed up this week and went down, and she caught me again. I figured I'd take my medicine and go over and look over her collection. Thoughts of Mantovani and Lawrence Welk danced through my head. Well, I finally went over, and after a tour of her house, we got down to looking at the albums. Lawrence Welk and Guy Lombardo LP's, along with country and Xmas compilations were prevalent. You've all seen these collections, you pick up a box or 10 of LP's for cheap just hoping you can mine a little gold out of it. Anyway, I told her, gently, that I didn't think she had anything that I could sell for her. Actually, I thought I couldn't pay people to take these records! But I told her I'd take the box home and go through it. She didn't want it back, so when I got home, I stopped at the dumpster and started dumping! I culled 4 out that looked interesting, and this was one. Pleasant surprise. It's not quite great, but I loved listening the first time. The Gigolos are a duo, Harold Gilbert and Carl Sanders. Harold played the B-3 Hammond with a Kruger String Bass Attachment for the pedals and Carl used a double bass drum set by Rogers. The recording was done with an Ampex AG-350 with Sony & Newmann microphones. I looked at the track list and the first track on side 2 was a Buddy Holly medley, so I started there. Pretty cool, I think they got Buddy's whole catalog in a 9 minute jam. Then the next track was Midnight Hour. Here the boys lit up. It's Midnight Hour with Little Old Man thrown in the mix. Check out the photo from the back cover of these two square-looking white kids and then listen to the track! It'll blow your mind. The rest of the LP is a mixture of lounge, RnB and rock. It's a pretty cool find and I can't find out anything about this group. It was recorded in Kearney, Nebraska in 1968, so I imagine they were students or grads or Kearney State College. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Sound Of Genesis - Journey To The Moon LP

Sorry for the delay in getting to this. Life in the real world keeps me away. I just can't justify the time away from work and family to deal with my blog as often as I'd like to. This post is in response to a couple of requests I got to post the whole album of The Sound Of Genesis - Journey To Moon. I haven't listened to the whole album in a few years, and figured as long as I was, I might as well record it. As I stated in a previous post on the 45, I found this album after I bought the 45. Found it in an antique mall somewhere in Ohio, (Just like the Jayhawks song!) The album jacket states that the music is by Sound Of Genesis with narration by Victor Jay. The album was produced by John Madara and Tom Sellers, except for the song "Journey To Moon", where Len Barry was also involved. Anyway, I've uploaded the album sides and you can hear them below. Enjoy and keep those comments coming. I'm still very new to this, but I love hearing from others with like interests.